Daniela Roher, PhD, LPC.
Individual and Couple Therapy, Counseling and Consulting
Psychotherapy is an inward journey of exploration leading to increased introspective awareness, improved affect regulation and better life choices.
Let's go on this journey together!
If you suffer from:
Challenges with with life events and changes
Relational problems
Ill health or any other major stressor
Conflicts & life transitions
Feel your life is not as fulfilling as you would like it to be
Mood Disorder
Personality Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Psychotherapy can help you.
I will be happy to help you achieve your goals of increased well-being, inner freedom, emotional growth, fulfilling relationships and healthy balance in your life.
My Clinical Model
I use a psychodynamic approach informed by attachment theory. This model goes below the surface of symptoms and pays attention to deeper areas of our inner lives where less conscious emotions reside. These unconscious areas create and maintain dysfunctional and painful symptoms and affect our ways of assessing reality, our feelings and our actions and decisions. This clinical approach allows for increased mastery of one's emotions, leading to healthy affect regulation and a more fulfilling life.
I integrate this mental health model with the latest neuroscientific discoveries on the development and workings of the human brain, as the two are closely related and work complementarily with one another, harnessing the brain's capacity to rewire itself.
For over thirty years I have been a psychotherapist, helping people deal with their emotional problems by going below the surface of symptoms and identifying, understanding and changing the deep root causes of problems in their lives.
All clinical services are held virtually, using a HIPAA-compliant ZOOM platform. New patients are accepted for individual and couple Tele psychotherapy and Tele counseling services.
You Will:
Better understand how you got to where you are right now and what are the forces that prevent you from moving forward
Stop dysfunctional patterns that maintain pain and prevent growth
Learn new ways of cultivating health and healing in your life

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